On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 12:11:47PM +0900, Horms wrote:
> reassign 284116 kernel-package

Package kernel-package already has an option to include vmlinux in the
images (install_vmlinux, which fixed Bug#243927), so I still think the
problem is in the kernel-image packages...

> Could you be a little more explicit about what sort of debugging
> you are refering to?

Being able to inspect the kernel variables and the kernel content

# gdb /boot/vmlinux /proc/kcore


    .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+'''+.         .+''
 Juan Cespedes     /       \       /       \      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
.+'         `+...+'         `+...+'         `+...+'         `+...+'

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