On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 09:25:20PM -0600, dann frazier wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 10:58:06PM +0200, Norbert Tretkowski wrote:
> > There was no final decision if we ship 2.4.27 with sarge.
> I wonder what needs to happen to have a formal d-k decision.
> Do other subgroups of Debian have a mechanism for this?  Maybe we
> need a designated person or persons who can speak for each arch.
> (Please only reply to debian-kernel on this topic).

Well, ultimately, the decision is with the RMs. But i guess you are as good as
any to take that decision.

> > If you now build and upload linux-kernel-di-alpha 0.62 with 2.4.27,
> > you have to build 0.63 that downgrades linux-kernel-di-alpha back to
> > 2.4.26 if we don't use 2.4.27 for sarge. 0.61 can't be used for sarge
> > because it was built with kernel-source-2.4.26 2.4.26-2.1 which has
> > some security problems which were fixed later.
> The only thing questionable about it, afaict, is the ide dma issue[1], which
> appears to have been a problem with our patch set[2], so should be resolvable.

Let's solve this, and go for 2.4.27 then. Seems the more reasonable course of
action to me.

Naturally i still need to produce 2.4.27 powerpc packages, will do so nextly.


Sven Luther

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