Hi Herbert,

Would you mind explaining the purpose of config/default in debian's i386
kernel image packages?  The config ends up in /usr/src/kernel-headers-
<version>-<soname>, which, afaict, should never be compiled against by
kernel modules; they should use /usr/src/kernel-headers-<version>-
<soname>-<arch>, instead.  The arch-specific kernel header packages
symlink headers against the non-arch-specific kernel header package, so
it makes sense for that to exist; I just don't see the point of giving
that non-arch-specific kernel header package a .config file.  People
using stock debian kernels will want arch-speific header files; people
who've compiled their own kernels w/ make-kpkg will have had kernel-
header packages created; and people w/ their own kernels that didn't use
make-kpkg will (presumably) have the source tree hanging around

Andres Salomon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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