On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 03:06:07PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> The good news is that the Debian patch only creates files in debian/,
> which will make it apply cleanly even to vanilla kernel sources. Is it
> planned (documented as a committment of the kernel team) that this
> will stay that way? If yes, one could check out the Debian
> subdirectory without checking out the "real" kernel, which would
> greatly help in reducing download volume.

Only the debian directory is found in the svn repo.

> Additional good news is that you guys use dpatch to actually change
> the kernel source. Do I see correctly that for example
> drivers-net-tg3-readd.dpatch was created because the .orig.tar.gz
> already had tg3 removed?

Yes and now, we don't want to ship the non-free part of the kernel source, and
thus removed the whole tg3 driver. The patch readds it, but without the
non-free part.

> Are the .svn directories inside kernel-source-2.6.7_2.6.7-4.diff.gz
> left there intentionally?

No, it is an error. before building, one should always do a svn export, to
remove any cruft and local inconsistency. I had this problem, and do that now,
apparently Jens didn't for the 2.6.7-4 upload.

> The Description of kernel-patch-debian-2.6.7 says that it should be
> applied to a pristine 2.6.7 kernel. Does that still apply now that
> some drivers have been removed from the pristine kernel sources? IMO,
> kernel-patch-debian's description should also include some reference
> that the source package uses dpatch which makes it somewhat easier to
> choose patch sets.

Well, no, it doesn't, because of things like the tg3 driver (is it the only
one ?). Ideally we would have a way to mark each patch as applying to the
pristine upstream kernel or only to the debian expurged version. But this is a
post-sarge issue.

Hope these small answers will help some, other will most certainly reply to
your other concerns.


Sven Luther

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