On Tue, 08 Jun 2004 08:59:41 +0200, Francesco Paolo Lovergine <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> said: 

> On Tue, Jun 08, 2004 at 12:21:42AM +0200, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
>> I don't care much, not being particularly familiar with either arch
>> or svn.  If you ask me, it's cvs, but that has become unfashionable
>> of late.

> svn is cvs with steroids. It has the advantage of being quite smooth
> in upgrading from cvs for the mean developer. AFAIK arch is
> under-documented and quite difficult to use in respect with
> subversion.

        I find that not to be the case. There is a very nice tutorial
 that walks one through setting up archives in arch; and I find arch
 far easier to use than CVS; but I am not sure how that would compare
 to subversion.

There are two problems with a major hangover.  You feel like you are
going to die and you're afraid that you won't.
Manoj Srivastava     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
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1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B  924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C

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