On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 12:02:15PM +0200, Wesley W. Terpstra wrote:
> It looks to me like the initrd doesn't even need to setup root, right?
> The boot process will replace the entire kernel, it's modules, it's idea of
> root, everything. This means we just have to get the linux kernel to the
> point where it can read the saved image.
> Am I right about this so far?

Exactly.  In fact, it would be advantageous to not touch root at all
since modifying root before resuming may lead to serious data

> If you agree with me so far, then what we really want to do in the initrd is
> to either find root or find the swap device. Setting up encryption for one
> is enough. Swsusp is controlled by a kernel-command-line option, so we
> should check for the option and only if it is set, configure root.
> Agreed?

Yep that sounds good.

An easy solution in the interim is to disable swsusp if cryptoroot
is present.

> If so, I will update my patch and setup swsusp on my machine to test it.

But of course that is what we want to do eventually.

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