Moin Goswin!
Goswin von Brederlow schrieb am Mittwoch, den 02. Juni 2004:

> > I like to build dependency helper packages that ease
> > cross-kernel-version updates. To build these for kernel module .debs,
> > I need to learn how the binary kernel module package is named. For
> > most packages, this can be accomplished by parsing
> > /usr/src/modules/$MODULE/debian/control after building the .deb.
> > However, this doesn't work for i2c and lm-sensors, since debian/rules
> > for these packages does a clean immediately after building.
> >
> > I would prefer not to call the module's kdist_foo targets directly
> > since that would mean interfering with kernel-package.

Well, what is the alternative?!

> I have the same problem for sourcerer-kernel-builder. I need to get a
> list of all kernel-patch and kernel-module packages available and
> figure out what the /usr/src/module/$MODULE dir will be named if that
> package is to be used.

I wrote module-assistant to manage things like that - guess undocumented
things (source tarball names, source directories names) as good as
possible and provide a unified set of rules as Makefile includes that help
package maintainers and provide a reliable and similar behaviour.

> It would be good if the new debian-kernel team / ML could draft a
> policy for kernel-patch and kernel-module packages on how to name the

We have a such draft but it is kinda revolutionary.

Wenn die Axt den Wald betritt, sagen die Bäume: "Der Stiel ist einer von uns!"
                -- Türkisches Sprichwort

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