On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 10:31:52AM +0200, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
> So far, all the patches have been tested on a small scale and found to
> be working.  If you have the time, please let me know whether each
> patch in its present form should
> a) stay where it is indefinitely
> b) stay where it is now and included upstream eventually
> c) thrown out and replaced by something better


 The latest orinoco now has monitor/scanning support in a way upstream
 maintainers are okay with it.  So either drop this patch or replace it
 with latest upstream.  Sooner or later we want this in the all debian
 kernel packages, either via upstream or if that doesn't happen soon
 by moving it to kernel-patch-debian.


 Should go upstream sooner or later but need works.  IMHO should be
 dropped and made into kernel-patch-asfs


 Already upstream in 2.6.7-rc1


 Arch/ppc part should go upstream, although upstream told me on irc they
 remember they weren't happy with the last version they got, so it might
 need work.  Maybe the patch author (Sven?) could ask for review on
 linuxppc-devel again?


 Ben promised to get this merged upstream soon.  Keep it until then.


 Shouldn't go upstream.  We need a better way to fix this issue.

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