Dollar Dilution and the Golden Speedometer:
All Americans' Inflation Dilemma
By Charles E. Carlson

Since Day 911 the US dollar has fallen over 40% as compared to the Euro,
the European currency "basket."  About half of that drop occurred since May
2, 2003, when hostilities in Iraq were reported to have ended.  

This means that had you or I been in the know we could have earned about 10
years of savings account interest without buying a thing.  We could have
asked our respective international bankers (if we had one) to convert our
dollar savings accounts into Euros with a simple bookkeeping entry.  Yes,
there would have been a little red tape, but the international money dealers
and bankers do this all the time for their own accounts.  Perhaps we need to
know what they know? 

The mysterious Euro is not the only measure of the dollar's collapse. 
There is hardly a currency that has not gone up against the dollar,
including the South African Rand, which has more than doubled!  Stories of
the falling dollar are whispered in hushed tones but do not often make it
into the US press, or when it does the explanation is usually murky.

Few Americans as yet give any real meaning to the fall of the dollar or
related it to the rise in gold prices.  But it is not a coincidence, and
there is reason to believe the trend has not run its course.

If you were to ask your local bank VP to explain the relationship between
gold and the dollar, you could expect a long and confusing answer, ending
with something like this:  "Nobody knows what will happen in the final

Your banker's MBA or PHD degree does not equip him to understand anything
as basic as what makes gold and the dollar go up and down.  But the big
usury-bankers (internationalists with license to print diluted money out of
thin air) who own and run the Federal Reserve anti-bank and its clone
anti-banks in world financial centers understand gold very well.  You too
can understand it, and so can your l3-year old, if he is bright and willing.
 Here are a few questions you should be able to answer:

What do serial wars (one right after another) have to do with gold and the
How is our currency diluted to where is buys less all the time?
What does the Federal Reserve System (FED) do?
Why didn't CNN or 60 Minutes explain this?
Who owns the gold?

This, Part I of GOLD: A REDISCOVERED INVESTMENT explained why logical
thinking persons might buy gold now, and why it made less sense to do so in
past decades. - End of review:   

If you want to learn more, go to the following link:
Then look for "Gold" under the "Pharisee Watch" column.  It will take you
right to the full story, and many more, without charge.

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