Le lundi 27 janvier 2025, 19:56:20 UTC+1 Eike Lantzsch ZP5CGE / KY4PZ a écrit : > When searching for an application by means of the KDE menu (or is it the > Plasma menu?) the application can be found alright but, and this is a > huge 'But', I would very much like ta also receive the information in > which menu entry or in which submenu this application resides. That > would help me 'going to the right places in the first place' the next > time instead of searching again and again
Exactly! I've thought about this several times. > and also would tremendously > help to put the most used applications into the favourites. The search > function does what it says but there is no option to put the found > application among the favourites that I know of. Right-clic works for me (kde 6). Have a good day Xavier