
Frank Mehnert - 22.12.24, 09:47:41 MEZ:
> Thanks, will try further. I have to admit that during the first
> migration attempt I did not have the akonadi-backend-sqlite installed.
> I will try the migration again but will wait for some days, and next
> time with logging enabled (thanks Hefee!)

No hurries.

Of course it would be good to figure things out for upcoming stable Debian 
12 => 13 upgrades, but there is still some time for that.

There is a way to change the database without migration. Which is what I 
did as I was not aware of the migrator at the time. But… it is not the 
recommended way and in worst case it is not completely lossless. So I will 
not describe it here at the moment unless someone specifically asks for 
it. But there is a way which also takes care of local filter rules which 
otherwise can be broken. But there is still some manual configuration 
adaption work so using the DB migrator would be much more convenient.

Another way could be exporting and importing with the PIM data exporter, 
but not sure whether that works across database changes. Ideally it would. 
Whether that is completely lossless? No idea. From what I have seen I 
think it could be.

However… for upcoming stable upgrades it would be much better to see about 
getting that database migrator to work just fine. Then there could be 
something in the release notes and if it is just a short note with a link 
to a Debian wiki article about it.

Martin - please no carbon copy to me

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