The reason is that the kf6-breeze-icon-theme which replaced the kf5
version has some changes which are not supported by the Qt5/KF5
kiconthemes library. You are also likely to see black folder icons in
the file picker of any Qt5/KF5 app when you enlarge the icon view enough
to see coloured folders.
Some solutions might be:
- downgrade to the KF5 breeze icon theme package and put that on hold
with apt until Qt6/KF6 apps are ready.
- as some have done, copy locally the old icon theme so that takes
- persuade devs to revert the offending upstream change in the debian
packaging, again until no longer required.
Hope that helps.
On 17/09/2024 12:42, Angus A Mackenzie wrote:
I'm using Unstable amd64, and I note a couple of people have mentioned Breeze
icon themed desktops are showing black folder icons instead of the usual blue.
Plasma 5.27.11 is in use with frameworks 5.115.0
Is this expected behaviour for now, or have I missed an easy fix?