Sedat Dilek - 20.08.24, 11:46:59 CEST: > Getting WEIRD. > >
Bit off topic here, but still: apt-listbugs to the rescue: /etc/apt/preferences.d/apt-listbugs: Explanation: Pinned by apt-listbugs at 2024-08-20 10:20:32 +0200 Explanation: #1079022: kmod: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/dracut/dracut-install: undefined symbol: kmod_module_get_weakdeps, version LIBKMOD_5 Explanation: #1079035: kmod: latest upgrade break system startup Package: libkmod2 Pin: version 32+20240611-1 Pin-Priority: 30000 First I verified that it seems to also affect initramfs-tools which I use. Now whatever the discussion about the bug, this pinning is only removed by apt-listbugs once the bug has been marked as fixed. Again, apt-listbugs only helps when there is a bug with severity of at least "serious". So no guarantee. But it saved me a lot of hassle often enough that I bear with the additional time it can take to retrieve bug report information. Waiting a few seconds to up to a minute or so is way less amount of time than fixing up things after a breakage. -- Martin