I love KDE, but I am not aware of a full-fledged KDE-based package management 
tool.  I often use KDE Discover to install updates, mostly because I want to 
be aware of any improvements to Discover.  But I drop back to using Synaptic, 
which is built on GTK, or apt on the command-line, when I need to do anything 
more complex.  (In the settings I check “Show package properties in the main 
window” and “Clicking on the status icon marks the most likely action”.)

Seeing as how managing packages is one of the core activities of using a 
system, not having a really good program in KDE for doing so seems like an odd 
oversight.  That being said, so far I haven’t been bothered by it enough to 
volunteer to write a full-fledged KDE-based package manager, so, until I do, I 
don’t have much right to complain about it.

On Tuesday, December 26, 2023 3:27:05 PM MST Marc Haber wrote:
> Hi,
> on my new notebook I am trying to do more administrative tasks in
> graphical tools to be able to answer beginners' questions in the unix
> user group. That also means package management, which I usually do with
> apt on the command line.
> KDE Discover seems to not quite the package management tool I am looking
> for. It only says that my Debian unstable offers like 2000 packages for
> installation (the notebook alone has 2400 packages installed), it says
> that the installation only has 240 packages installed. And it cannot
> find the firefox browser.
> (1) Am I holding KDE Discover wrong?
> (2) If KDE Discover is not what I am looking for, what is the
>     recommended way to do package management, install, deinstall,
>     configure, purge Debian packages from the Debian archive
>     on a KDE system?
> Greetings
> Marc

Soren Stoutner

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