On 24/10/2023 13:57, Andrey Rakhmatullin wrote:
On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 12:16:18PM +0100, piorunz wrote:
Why there are two ways to obtain debugging symbols?
The -dbgsym packages is the official method since its introduction,
debuginfod is newer and has some downsides, e.g. it's easier to
pre-install all -dbgsym you could need and not worry about downloading
symbols on demand.
I already have export DEBUGINFOD_URLS="https://debuginfod.debian.net",
and this failed to resolve all problems in debugger, it seems. If
debuginfod works only partially, then it should not be recommended
Sure, but unless someone else knows what is the cause of this problem it
looks like you need to investigate it yourself.
Hi Andrey,
Thanks for your explanation. I will concentrate more on Debian
repository as a source of dbgsym packages then. I was already able to
provide more information to other unrelated crash (rasdaemon), by
sending exact, relevant backtrace to the Debian bug report. That's
thanks to your and other KDE group members help!
With kindest regards, Piotr.
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