Hi All:

Not really sure if helps, but just in case: Could you check whether kded5 
process is alive when you experience the problem?


El 20 de agosto de 2023 13:39:15 CEST, Alex DEKKER <b...@ale.cx> escribió:
>On 20/08/2023 10:58, Dietz Proepper wrote:
>> Am Sonntag, 20. August 2023, 10:44:19 CEST schrieb Marc Haber:
>>> The nm applet seems to
>>> reconnect and shows the available connections, but clicking on one
>>> immediately yields a toast "Connection (name) deactivated" without even
>>> trying to conect. I didn't know that behavior before.
>> Anything interesting in /var/log/syslog? The other thing I'd try first is to
>> play a little with nmctl so you can narrow down who might be the culprit.
>Or 'journalctl -f' whilst attempting...things.

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