6 May 2023, 03:13 by borde...@tutanota.com:

> Something must have changed somewhere. I ripped out the DAV Akonadi 
> connector, and re-added my address books and calendars using the _exact_ DAV 
> URL. I recall it used to find them automatically when I put in the base URL 
> and hit "Fetch." Now Akonadi needs its hand held through the process.
> So let's see how long it works until it breaks again...
> Still willing to support an Akonadi-less KDE PIM suite.
I owe the Akonadi team a partial apology (but only this time). The issue was my 
fault. I  hand-edited files in my DAV archives and deleted the UUID from one of 
the entries, which my DAV server doesn't like (even though the property is 
optional). The missing UUID caused the DAV server to throw HTTP 500 errors.

Akonadi still bears _some_ responsibility for breaking silently instead of 
being explicit about the HTTP 500 error, and the DAV server bears some 
responsibility for making me search too long to find the source of the 500 

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