El 22/3/22 a les 0:49, Adriano Vilela Barbosa ha escrit:
On Monday, 21 March 2022 13:16:17 CET Adriano Vilela Barbosa wrote:
I'm running Debian Testing ...
Last night an update came along which brought libpoppler from version
20.09 to version 22.02. However, nothing changed after the update:
I'm still unable to sign pdfs.

So, I wonder if anybody here is able to sign pdfs using Okular in
Debian and, if so, what's required to get that working.


A rebuild of Okular was needed to enable that functionality and earlier today
the above update was done, so it should work with okular version 4:21.12.3-2.

Too many dependencies to make a backport? Is it possible?


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