yep. For me key is that we loose a very valuable contributor and great contribution! Reasons for this are unclear to me. Why this demotion, are those who decide on this stating and communicating their reasons, better is this a group decision?
Luc Op zo 23 jan. 2022 13:59 schreef Dietz Proepper <>: > Am Freitag, 21. Januar 2022, 01:11:44 CET schrieb Johannes Zarl-Zierl: > > > I never had any issues with Norbert. > > > > Full ACK. > > +1. And also not with Marco, as far as I remember. Which comes with little > relevance, as we did not have much contact before. > > > Let's always keep discussions civil and in good faith... > > Well, but jftr, let's not forget who started this thread and in which way. > At > the very least, citing the source of ones comments is quite basic IMNSHO. > > Kindest regards, > Dietz