On Monday, January 11, 2021 4:41:49 PM CET rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Monday, January 11, 2021 09:59:57 AM inkbottle wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > Could you tell me if you also experience this annoying behavior, or if
> > it's
> > only me?
> > 
> > https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=335852
> > 
> > I very much rely on the appearance of my desktop remaining identical
> > through reboots (spatial memory).
> > 
> > Lately this feature is quite broken. For instance, Kmail always open full
> > screen no matter what. So does System-Settings, for no reason that I can
> > see. And not they do not have window manager rules attached to them. I
> > just mention that because maybe it's related.
> Are you addressing only the behavior of Okular, or are you referring to the
> behavior of some other apps as well?
> I don't reboot very often, but Okular is problematic in that, if I'm viewing
> a .pdf from the web (this in Wheezy and Jessie), the .pdf content is stored
> in .tmp (or something similar), the problem being that on a reboot, .tmp
> (or whereever the .pdf content is stored) gets wiped out (at least by
> default, on my system).
> So, obviously, at that point there is no (easy, or built in) way for Okular
> to restore the content.  (Okular would have to keep track of the original
> URL and reload it, and I don't think that capability is built into Okular
> at this point in time -- I guess it would be a nice to have feature, but I
> don't know if anybody is interested in doing something like that.
> Aside: I guess, also, without thinking about it, somebody (any user) could
> build sort of a bash (?) "wrapper" around Okular to do something along those
> lines -- i.e., instead of invoking Okular to view a .pdf, you'd invoke a
> bash script which would store the URL somewhere safe before invoking Okular
> to display the .pdf.  That script would also have to be invoked when
> closing a .pdf to remove that URL from the safe storage location. )
> I don't know whether if I was viewing a .pdf from my "permanent" disk
> storage behavior would be any different / better.  I rarely, if ever do
> that.  (I wish .pdfs would just go away (along with all the Microsoft
> "document" formats.)

No, what you are describing is unrelated with the issue considered here. You 
should certainly formulate that issue of yours through a new question, either 
here, or in general channel.

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