Hi Lucy

My packages are built right there ;-) It is a great service.


PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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Jul 28, 2020 20:17:21 Luc Castermans <luc.casterm...@gmail.com>:

> Just came across: https://build.opensuse.org/
> The/a developper mentioned this to be a X-distro build system, so can/could 
> be used to create Debian packages.
> Could such service help, if appropriate, to create momentum?
> Luc
> Op zo 26 jul. 2020 om 22:51 schreef Shmerl 
> <shtetldik+shm...@gmail.com[shtetldik%2bshm...@gmail.com]>:
>> Om Tue, 07 Jul 2020 08:20:48 -0700 Scarlett Moore wrote:
>>> Again, help is gladly accepted as long as it is quality work
>>> and not just a changelog entry..
>>> Thanks, Scarlett
>> Hi Scarlett!
>> If I understand correctly, it's primarily you alone working now on updating 
>> Plasma packages
>> in Debian unstable / testing? If so, thanks for your work! Did you manage to 
>> use Norbert's
>> submissions after all? He said his merge requests are still available.
>> It would be really great for KDE/Debian users if this could be resolved 
>> positively and in the
>> manner that's productive and allows collaboration. This really needs to move 
>> forward, there
>> are simply not enough resources not to share such efforts.
>> Best regards,
>> Shmerl.

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