In data martedì 7 luglio 2020 09:06:20 CEST, Rainer Dorsch ha scritto:
> Am Sonntag, 5. Juli 2020, 15:48:55 CEST schrieb Norbert Preining:
> > Hi Dietz,
> > 
> > > Would you mind announcing relevant changes from your side (changed repos,
> > > discontinued development and so on) also oh debian-kde?
> > 
> > I don't think this is welcome here, since also on the IRC channel I was
> > told not to advertise my repositories.
> > 
> Since this is already speculation, can anybody who has concerns with 
> announcements or user reports of Norbert's super uptodate KDE packages for 
> Debian here on the list share them?
I do.

> I hope with an open minded and solution 
> oriented discussion they can be addressed and resolved....

"open minded" is not exactly the way somebody has been solving the
problem of helping a team in Debian.

It is definitely not nice to see that all the work & efforts in many
years are happily thrown down the loo by
- publicity stunts
- binary-only repos because "one person [not anymore working in the
  team] said something bad to me, so it's all team fault"
- blogs filled with untrue facts and on the borderline of insults

How does an "open mind" motivate you to work on this? I'll tell you:
it does not.

Maybe a better solution would be to just give up with this -- after
all, users have the super-duper-and-excellent-quality repos, right?

Deepily unmotivated,
Pino Toscano

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