Machine: Debian Buster 10 x86_64
Emulated Architecture: armhf using QEMU (qemu-user-static) and a Debian
Buster chrooted jailroot.
Running a QML based application on qemu-user-static way and Xorg running
on a x86_64 host gives me some strange issues.
The xorg server is running on x86_64 host, and Qt executable is running
inside a chrooted rootfilesystem and it is using X syscalls to display
its gui.
On the x86_64 side, I have to use "xhost +" to accept connection from
the chrooted system.
When running my application which uses QtQuickControl2 with the
style=Material most of the interface is scrambled or does not work at
all. If using other style like Fusion it works, but it is rendered
My application is running fine within Debian x86_64 environment but no
on the QEMU Side.
This can be easly checked if using the Qt Quick Example Gallery (in the
example module: qtquickcontrols2-5-examples Debian package).
If compiled & ran inside a QEMU chrooted system, it gives me the exact
issue I am facing of in my application.
Now I am trying to run in in a complete-system instead of running on the
host CPU only (qemu-system-arm). At the moment I am downloading and
installing Debian Buster 10 on my virtual disk image.
As soon as possible I will post the results.
Anyway if I am running it into a x86_64 machine it gives me the expected
behaviour, so I suppose something ARM related into the way how
qtquickcontrols2 and Qt for ARM is compiled...
Is this a well known bug? Can be workarounded to make it works on ARM
Gianluca Renzi
Eurek s.r.l. |
Electronic Engineering | http://www.eurek.it
via Celletta 8/B, 40026 Imola, Italy | Phone: +39-(0)542-609120
p.iva 00690621206 - c.f. 04020030377 | Fax: +39-(0)542-609212