Dietz Proepper - 26.03.20, 10:17:33 CEST:
> Am Montag, 23. März 2020, 08:59:22 CET schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> > Dietz Proepper - 23.03.20, 08:40:06 CET:
> [kmail problems]
> > No such problems with KMail/KDEPIM/Akonadi from Debian Sid currently
> > (19.08).
> > 
> > But also had no such problems with KMail/KDEPIM/Akonadi from Debian
> > 10 as it was in Sid before.
> > 
> > I did have some Akonadi crashes which may have been related to
> > incorrect AppArmor rules. Meanwhile I disabled AppArmor for
> > akonadi-server since I still saw frequent AppArmor access denial
> > messages in log. I believe there is Debian a bug report about it.
> Crazy shit - on 24.3. I disabled AppArmor for akonadi. Since then:
> *no* crashing akonadi (which makes sense to me "somehow").
> But my "move email" issues seem to be gone, too! (I did not test in
> depth, but had no issues the last days.)
> I'll observe that some more time (and hopefully can do some real tests
> on it), but has anyone of the wizards here even a remote glimpse, how
> AppArmor could trigger this kind of error?!

As to what exactly is the reason, no idea.

My bet is: I saw AppArmor denying some accesses by akonadi-server. And 
now, if akonadi-server does not check properly for errors in (some of) 
those cases, I would not be surprised that it crashes.


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