Hi Diederik,

Diederik de Haas - 01.11.19, 23:56:59 CET:
> In Sid the various PostgreSQL packages have been upgraded to version
> 12 and I've just successfully upgraded to them.

Thank you very much for letting us know.

> I've read people say that upgrading PostgreSQL was complicated, but
> that's not my experience. Here is what I did:
> - quit KMail/Kontact/etc
> $ akonadictl stop
> [$ stop any other programs if they use postgresql]
> # <upgrade postgresql packages to 12 with apt/aptitude>
> # pg_dropcluster --stop 12 main
> # pg_upgradecluster 11 main
> I then usually reboot the machine to make sure it'll use PostgreSQL 12
> for akonadi. If you verified that KMail still works, you can remove
> the old cluster with
> # pg_dropcluster 11 main
> # <purge postgresql 11 packages with apt/aptitude>
> If you were using postgresql-11-pg-checksums, you'll have to manually
> install postgresql-12-pg-checksums package

Hmmm, to me that looks like you are using a system wide PostgreSQL 
database. I am using a user based one.

For a PostgreSQL database using as the user and using ~/.local/share/
akonadi/db_data the KDE Userbase wiki has some instructions:


Also there might be an issue for user based PostgreSQL:

Akonadi refuses to start after upgrade to PostgreSQL 12: column 
"version" of relation "schemaversiontable" already exists


The Debian bug report

libqt5sql5-psql: basic support postgresql-12


referenced in the upstream bug report got fixed.

But the upstream bug report is still open. So I am not sure whether the 
issue has been fixed or not. Can anyone provide any clarity on this? 
Maybe the upstream report has just not been closed yet. Pinging it.

So there may or may not be an issues when you go for upgrading Akonadi 
with a user based, instead of system-wide PostgreSQL setup.


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