If I download sample pdf http://www.xmlpdf.com/manualfiles/hello.pdf[1] , open it in Okular and do View > Trim View > Trim Margin, well, nothing happens.
I am now using Okular 18.04 from experimental; I'm not ready to downgrade to Okular 17.12 from testing, because that version has too many annoying bugs (maybe mostly related to annotations, that I use a lot); anyway... Anyway, Trim Margin hasn't worked for me for at least 2 years, so it is not something related to 18.04. Actually, I've been induced to think, that it was a property of the documents I was opening... (like, all of them) But a few days ago, it came to my attention that if you do the same manipulation with Qpdfview, with the document hello.pdf from above, the margin trimming thing is working, no issues whatsoever. One possible explanation is that for 2 years or so, I've been consistently missing a key package. Another, is that I'm the only one with a small screen nowadays, and therefore the only one observing that Trimming Margin is not working. Hence my question: is Margin Trimming working alright for you on the above hello.pdf? Thanks, Chris -------- [1] http://www.xmlpdf.com/manualfiles/hello.pdf