Since a fortnight or so, I have glitches with BT headset connection, which otherwise has worked flawlessly for a year or more.
The connection is usually OK. However quite often, when I turn on the headset, the BT Plasma icon is changing its aspect as it should (adding 2 small dots on each side), but the headset doesn't say "device connected", and the headset is not showing in PA available devices, and if I go in Settings/Bluetooth, the device is not trusted, and sometimes also not present at all (this latter part, in this situation, would even change within seconds). And there are also plenty of other things, anyway. The angle I would like to consider, is that the issue appeared together with a nice looking enhancement: When I boot the computer and then later turn on the headset, I always have a nice looking popup: (screenshot attached) "XXX is requesting access to this computer" Very nice looking indeed, though not very relevant, since I already authorized the access. What I'm wondering is *why am I seeing that only since 2 weeks ago*, though googling the above sentence shows me it's from a 3 y.o. commit:[1] It seems the message has every bits of the function: RequestAuthorization lines 31 to 58. Bottom line: There has been a regression on my system, in the BT/PA thingy. This appeared together with the awesome looking messages described above. How come I see the outcomes of a 3yo commit only now? Could the code had been uploaded to debian repo recently? Could the code had been triggered by other changes? Best, Chris -------- [1]