On Sunday, September 9, 2018 9:09:52 PM CEST you wrote:
> On my laptop, screen usually goes into power saving mode, after a few tens
> of seconds. (this laptop never goes to sleep, generally speaking, but I
> like the screen to turn itself off nevertheless)
> In contrast, when I have an opened Chromium window, screen often never goes
> into power saving mode.
> I haven't found any comments, nowhere, regarding that, on the net.
> I might want to file a bug about that, but since it might be "desktop
> dependent", I prefer to ask you if you have observed this situation.
> I can't see anything, but Chromium, at the origin of the screen remaining
> turned on forever; occurrences point very consistently in that direction.
> Pages that were opened this time, were:
> Two google search pages;
> Five pages there: https://orgmode.org/worg/ and
> there: https://orgmode.org/manual/
> And that: https://www.cs.tufts.edu/~nr/noweb/
> So, as it is this time, nothing with aggressive advertising, or auto-playing
> videos, or whatever in that line.
> That issue, which I might be alone experiencing, is quite cumbersome, since
> it forces me to close Chromium, even though I haven't finished reading what
> it is I'm reading; that if I want my screen not to be prevented to go in
> power saving mode.
> Thanks,
> Chris

I did, as a test, and possible workaround:
xset dpms force off

(Arch wiki seems to say that command line is still current;
So I tried.)

After 30 min, the screen was still off, despite the still opened Chromium 

So in any cases the workaround seems to hold.

Note that in fact, I do not use Powerdevil (had an issue about it years ago; I 
only have a line in 
systemd saying lid close is disabled).

Following is my xset -q usual output.

$ xset -q 

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