On Monday, 20 March 2017 16:39:53 CET Luigi Toscano wrote: > The package name in gentoo seems to have no specific hints; but anyway, > looking at the dependencies in Debian you can spot the version of Qt used > (and/or whether it's kdelibs4 vs Frameworks).
This is what that user sees on gentoo: > $equery list -op okular > * Searching for okular ... > [-P-] [ ] kde-apps/okular-16.08.3:4/16.08 > [-P-] [ ] kde-apps/okular-16.12.3:5 > [I-O] [ ] kde-apps/okular-9999:5 He tells me that: okular-16.08.3:4 means that release 16.08 is in slot 4, so kde4. okular-16.12.3:5 means that 16.12 is in slot 5, so kf5. Slots are mechanisms specific to gentoo's package-management. Cheers, Davide