On Friday, September 9, 2016 3:38:44 AM CEST you wrote:
> On Thursday, September 8, 2016 9:55:40 PM CEST you wrote:
> > On Thursday, September 8, 2016 7:00:42 PM CEST you wrote:
> > > I just did a "Aptitude GUI" testing upgrade (aptitude -R -t stretch);
> > > Then I used command line:
> > > aptitude search -F"%p; %v; %V; %d" -t sid
> > > '?installed(?maintainer(debian-qt- kde))'|egrep 5.7|egrep
> > > '5.6|5.7.0'|less -i (goal here is empty output) to see what packages I
> > > should also upgrade from sid
> > > (Which I did after recommendations I've seen on this list);
> > > which I've upgraded using the same GUI way (aptitude -R -t sid).
> > > I had one glitch with "qml-module-qtmultimedia (5.6.1-2 and others)".
> > > 
> > > After reboot I can't see anything unusual.
> > 
> > Then After a While the screen got locked: it didn't seem unusual at the
> > time even though the duration after which it occurred was unusually
> > short... Then when I came back to my computer it was in a suspend to ram
> > condition. The computer is a closed lid laptop with external monitor and
> > of course keyboard...
> > It is always on AC power.
> > I join a screenshot of the relevant settings screen that shows, I believe,
> > that everything is as it should be. And that therefore the computer
> > shouldn't have behaved as it did.
> > Maybe it won't happen again.
> It did happen again. So what I did is tick then untick the "on AC power"
> suspend session thing in settings/power management before clicking to apply.
> I'll see what comes from it.
> (I've got lock screen automatically after 60 min set in Desktop Behavior -
> Screen locking timeout...
> There is some redundancy in settings there.
> Also I wonder if the right thing to do wouldn't be to tick the suspend
> session thing in power management and specifying that the thing to do would
> then be to just lock the screen; maybe if it's just not ticked there is a
> default behavior consisting in suspend to ram...
> All that pure speculations I'm afraid.)

I've found more precisely what causes the suspend to ram thing: it is when I 
use the power button of the external monitor to turn it off.
However my settings say: "button event handling > when laptop lid closed > do 
nothing", and "even when an external monitor is connected", that last one is 

I tried to tick the "even when external monitor is connected" thing, so that 
the semantic would be: do nothing, even in that specific case; but the outcome 
was just the same.

So finally I've got so far not solution at all but allowing the laptop to 
suspend to ram, and reach it to open the lid temporarily, when I want to use 
it again. Which is definitely not a solution.

It might be important in order to reproduce the bug, the external monitor is 
connected to the laptop (Lenovo x230) through "mini displayport".

There are 2 upstream bugs:
But none seem directly related, because mine is specifically "When I power off 
the external monitor".

It seems very very bad.

> > > Chris

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