Am Dienstag, 6. September 2016, 15:53:41 CEST schrieb Tim Ruehsen:
> OMG, any idea how to recover ?
> I don't even know where to look at...

My address book is still populated.

I think if

-> cat .config/akonadi_contacts_resource_0rc 

does not point to any other location, you find the contacts in ~/.local/share/
contacts directory.

Steps I´d do:

1. Check whether addressbook is activated in KAddressbook. If not, I´d 
activate it again.

2. Check whether contacts resource is operational in Akonadiconsole. If not, 
try to restart it from there or restart Akonadi completely.

3. Check whether ~/.local/share/contacts still contains one vcf file for each 

If nothing of this helps, I´d might go that easy route, instead of trying to 
diagnose further:

4. Make a backup of ~/.local/share/contacts

5. Kick old contacts resource and create a new one. Doing so should not affect 
the VCFs files in ~/.local/share/contacts, but in case it does, you have a 


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