Am Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2016, 00:31:04 CEST schrieb inkbottle:
> Hi,
> I have received comments from this bug:
> As I said there, on my side, Konsole is never restored.
> Is it restored to you, was it restored 1 month ago?
> My system might be different from yours since I follow stretch and not sid.

Session management has been a mess for me since quite some time.

It just doesn´t work consistenly. KMail, konsole, and others all gone when 
logging out and logging in again. On the other hand a Konqueror window with an 
opened webpage reappeared every time.

I have set it to restore the old windows, but I seriously consider just 
setting it to start an empty session for now.

I never took the time to check for upstream bug reports about this. For me it 
is not just that some applications are not restored, most of them aren´t.


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