On Mittwoch, 1. Juni 2016 23:05:36 CEST Hillel Lubman wrote:
> Recently, I noticed that KDE Frameworks packages (such as libkf5*) started
> updating from 5.16.0 to 5.22.0. I suspected that partial update of those
> packages can cause instability, but decided to experiment, and yes, it
> caused a major mess with fullscreen applications like games hanging the
> desktop and other bugs happening. So I reverted Debian to previously usable
> state (20160523T045008Z snapshot) where I keep it now and periodically
> check changes like this:
> aptitude search -F"%p %v %V %d" libkf5 | grep -v none | grep -v 5\.22
> I wait until that list goes down and all 5.16 → 5.22 transitions are
> exhausted.
> In general, is it always recommended to wait until all likf5* reach the same
> version before updating? Or they are supposed to be interoperable in the
> mixed installation and my case was a bug which shouldn't have happened? And
> what else in KDE requires synchronized update to avoid problems?

I´d say if you want least surprise wait till all are updated.

AFAIK Plasma developers start using new functions in KDE Frameworks libraries 
at some time. But when and where and what the minimum requirement is… I don´t 
know it, and I don´t know whether the upstream know it in all case, as far as 
I understand its not documented either and they expect you to use most recent 
stable version of everything – except Qt, where second latest or so is usually 
supported as well. I´d recommend if you want to keep it safe, wait till all is 
upgraded or enough people give feedback that things are working properly.

For me right now things are mostly working. Auto hiding on a standard panel 
does not work here, in my custom activity switcher panel it works. This breaks 
my usual desktop layout as I have a wide autohide standard panel at the side, 
but it uses too much space if visible all the time.


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