Hi, upgraded just yesterday. I see some improvements for now: - qupzilla doesn't say it has no access to network anymore (after resuming) - qupzilla, kmail, plasma panel are on screen - after using xrandr to remove my work monitor and suspend/resume (using systemctl)
Which is great improvement for me. But - kded locks up during session start, it has no access to powermanagement + i cannot configure startup services in systemsettings - plasmashell has also slow start (long delay before wallpaper appears, than another delay to show panel and it's content) - krdc has delay in startup (but it had before startup too) - i think, it has something to do with kwallet, because i'm unable to connect to *some* hosts with saved credentials. - ktp cannot save credentials - it crashes when i say to save my password (it was this way before upgrade) ktp-auth-handle[22258]: segfault at c0 ip 00007fa5c0b96df4 sp 00007ffc7d22a670 error 4 in libsignon-qt5.so.1.0.0[7fa5c0b85000+32000] I tried to strace kded, but I don't see anything usable there. Looking forward for more new versions ;) Thanks, Libor Dne úterý 17. května 2016 9:51:20 CEST, Martin Steigerwald napsal(a): > Hello! > > This can easily be worked around by downgrading a package with > > apt install libkf5networkmanagerqt6=5.16.0-1 > > Bug#824531: Acknowledgement (plasma-nm: error loading QML file applet to > undefined symbol in libplasmanm_editor.so) > https://bugs.debian.org/824531 > > > I think this can also be worked around by downgrading packages, but I didn´t > try as it wants several packages to be downgraded: > > Bug#824528: Acknowledgement (plasma-systray-legacy: not coinstallable with > plasma-workspace 4:5.5.4-1 and some other packages) > https://bugs.debian.org/824528 > > > Otherwise I think my system is completely on Experimental packages now where > available, running Qt 5.6.0. I removed any self-compiled KF5 + KDEPIM stuff > as I had a ton of trouble with it and compiling KDEPIM from master again > needs needs Qt Webengine developer packages that I currently do not find > within Debian. > > I really look forward to a full transition of consistent and recent stable > versions of Plasma and KF 5 as well as Qt 5.6.1 to unstable. > > Thanks,