Op 07-12-15 om 18:09 schreef Josep Febrer:
El Dimecres, 2 de desembre de 2015, a les 20:05:12, Luc Castermans va escriure:Dear,I am running Plasma5 Testing/Sid since quite some months, as reported to this list. I regularly (<= weekly) update my packages. Since a few weeks after/during login it takes long time (approx. 1 min) before the desktop/taskmanager is ready. The desktop does not react at all to mouse clicks. As soon as the timeout is over, everything is normal. All user accounts behave the same and from same moment onwards. Any ideas about the root-cause of this?In my case upgrading plasma-nm (4:5.4.3-1) from sid fixed this issue.
Hi Josep, plasma-nm arrived in testing today and indeed it solved the issue. Thanks!! Luc
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