On Wed, 28 Oct 2015 15:51:21 -0400
Carlos Kosloff <ckosl...@hardwarealien.com> wrote:

Hello Carlos,

>sddm was touted as a great improvement, it does work on one of my 

I don't see much difference, TBH.  If anything, SDDM is less robust, as
evidenced by this latest issue.  I've also no idea why KDM no longer
works for you.

>I try not to bloat my main system too much, it is already bloated with 
>video and graphical apps, so would rather wait to install another 

Installing LXDE pulled in approx 15 packages, total size approx 15MB.
Obviously, it's your choice, but it's certainly not the space-hungry
suite that KDE & Gnome are.

>Thank you,

NP.  At least you've got something running to be getting on with.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
I'll be the paint on the side if you'll be the tin
Love Song - The Damned

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