I did attempt to open the file, I got Macro warnings so I did not go any
farther, I have to assume that this is an NSA attempt to get a backdoor
into some gnu/linux systems./

On Tue, 2015-10-20 at 10:07 +0800, 冬雨 wrote:
> Dear fellow KDEers,
> "Two" people have posted identical e-mails completely unrelated to
> this mailing list.
> I am sure you have already seen this e-mail, and pray that you did not
> attempt to download the cover letter for some reason.
> I do not know its contents, but I am almost certain that it's some
> kind of malware.
> Just warning you guys that it seems our mailing list has been
> infiltrated by spammers.
> Regards,
> Keian

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