On 09/26/2015 10:42 AM, Brad Rogers wrote:
Hello All,

A strange one, this;

I'm trying to start Kuser from the KDE menu, but it refuses to accept the
root password.  I know the password to be correct (it's accepted by
everything else).  I can start it from the konsole with 'sudo kuser', and
it works as expected.  So, I've got a workaround, but it would be nice
to get things going properly.

Error report is;

Permission denied.
Possibly incorrect password, please try again.
On some systems, you need to be in a special group (often: wheel) to use
this program

Weirdly, on another machine, Kuser works fine.  So it would appear
there's something odd about the particular setup on this machine.

Searching the internet has proved fruitless.  Maybe my search-foo isn't
up to the task.  Any help greatly appreciated.

Sorry for your problems Brad, no problems here with kuser on any of my 5 Sid systems.
Jimmy Johnson

Debian Sid - KDE Plasma 5.4.1 - AMD64 - EXT4 at sda15
Registered Linux User #380263

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