On Monday, 2015-09-21, 15:08:54, Tim Ruehsen wrote:
> Thanks for your answers !
> They gave me some insight and I started reading...
> sni-qt is for QT4 only. Since I have a QT5.4 KDE (Debian unstable) and QT5.4
> has the QPA-API (which replaces sni-qt), I should see my Tray Icon
> regarding
> http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2014/06/where-are-my-systray-icons/.
> But I don't.

No, this is a misunderstanding I think.
qni-qt is for Qt4 applications to show "Status Notifier Items" (in short 
"SNI"). It doesn't matter if the SNI host is even using Qt.
The QPA für Qt5 includes that already, so a Qt5 application can use SNI out of 
the box.

In your case we have a Java application. Unless it or the Java Class Library 
it uses have Qt in use for platform integration, then neither sni-qt nor the 
QPA have anything to do here.

> Could anyone provide an Java example code that shows SNI / TrayIcon on QT >=
> 5.4 (using OpenJDK 7 or 8) ? I could and would amend my application.

My, quite limited, understanding of SNI is that the communication between 
application and SNI host happens via D-Bus [1].
If there is currently no nice wrapper for Java, you might have to use D-Bus 
via the D-Bus Java bindings directly.


[1] http://www.notmart.org/misc/statusnotifieritem/
might not be the most current version, just came up first when googling

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