Thanks for excellent overview. Indeed massive wirk going on. Big compliments to you guys!
Luc Op za 5 sep. 2015 11:27 schreef Martin Steigerwald <>: > Accidentally send off list. > > Am Donnerstag, 3. September 2015, 16:24:40 schrieb Gary Dale: > > On 03/09/15 03:42 PM, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote: > > > On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 03:03:35PM -0400, Gary Dale wrote: > > >> Sorry, but before releasing a major package to "testing", shouldn't > it be > > >> tested against the "testing" environment? > > > > > > No, we don't do this. > > > > Obviously, but the question was "shouldn't you?" > > Thing is: > > Many of the issues were *transitional*. > > And as far as I know the exact order in which packages appear in testing is > basically unpredictable, it is also quite unpredictable what problems can > appear in testing. It could also be problems, that didn´t appear in > unstable > at all due to a different order of appearance of packages in the archive. > > Also I am not sure whether RC bugs are really a good way to get a stable > transition for testing user. I bet it is not, cause a RC bug only stops one > package, and maybe its dependencies, but… KDE Frameworks 5 and Plasma 5 are > several hundred packages. > > So what would be needed is to prepare the migration completely separated > from > unstable, say in some PPA, *without* hindering the other package uploads > too > much. And then find a way to put all of these new packages into unstable at > once and then into testing at once. > > I do not think that such an infrastructure for Debian is already in place. > PPAs are being worked on, and they will likely come. But atomic > transitions of > several hundred packages from a PPA into unstable and then testing without > messing things up? Probably a challenging task. > > And also that said: This g++ ABI transition is one of the biggest > transition I > have ever seen. A member of the Qt/KDE team said to me that the last > transition that big he remembers, was about 10 years ago. > > So it is not that this is happing every year or so. > > The transition is challenging. From what I see the Debian Qt/KDE team does > a > *marvellous* job. I try to help with bug triaging here and there. And on > DebConf 2015 I experienced myself the amount of work needed to fix up those > symbol files in the packages for the transition. I did it manually and > someone > more experienced can likely do it much faster, but thing is: It is still > work. > > So members of the Debian Qt/KDE team, I am now also one, work, usually in > their free time, unpaid, on delivering a new Plasma version to all of you. > > They do a marvellous job and that in my eyes deserves a huge big "Thank > you!" > instead of bashing on them. I have met people of the team on DebConf and > they > work on the stuff with best intentions. Its not that they plan new creative > ways on how to break the desktop experience for you. > > Thanks, > -- > Martin > >