Hello, I received all the e-mail coming from three lists and any e-mail coming from Debian in a single mailbox. Receiving more and more publicity and also from e-mail written in Chinese character which worries me. I decided to manage all the e-mail towards the basket directory (Corbeille in French) and I use filters to redirect the mails toward the good directory. So i created fours filters to fill the task (A, B, C,D). On the paper it should work, the "filter Agent" is launched well at starting of kontact. In the creation of filters all works fine, but after more of two launches of Kontact the filters does not work fine i created an Bug#776979 (*kmail: First Filter of the list disappeared at each launch of Kontact) *where i describe the problem with warning screenshots, further to an update of mysql the warnings disappeared but the problem stiil remains. the agent filter does not work for filter A and B Manually with "Ctl J " the filter B works fine but not the filter A. If i suppres filter A and recreate filter A its works fine first time. All the filters appears correctly in "Configuration"-->Filters Have you any idea to solve this problem, the Bug#776979 not having given answer. Philippe Merlin