Am Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2015, 06:32:32 schrieb Brad Alexander:
> Hi Martin,
> On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Martin Steigerwald <>
> wrote:
> > I see that message here as well sometimes. Mostly after some spikes in
> > Akonadi
> > / MySQL activity (although MySQL is mostly gone from CPU after recent perf
> > work in Akonadi server, see below).
> > 
> > Then for me then KMail doesn´t respond anymore to any requests. I.e. the
> > GUI
> > still works, but mails are not displayed anymore, just the blue waiting
> > display, folder switching works, but deleting mails or moving to different
> > folder just does not make the actual actiion happen in the GUI. But at the
> > same time then I do not see any load on Akonadi as well anymore. Sometimes
> > the
> > first moves or deletes still work, after a delay of 10 or 30 seconds, and
> > its
> > stops acting on my requests after that. I find this really difficult to
> > describe
> > conscively as various symptoms show up.
> > 
> > KMail seems to wait for Akonadi, yet Akonadi seems idle. I have reported
> > this
> > first as:
> > 
> > [snip...]
> It happens several times meanwhile.
> > I am currently using Akonadi server Git
> > c733429f4fa9696fb027ddc946e54f6bbb68deaf with Millian´s and Dan´s massive
> > performance improvements regarding MySQL (which actually do make a
> > difference),
> > but rest is 4.14.2.
> > 
> > I see this message as well then.
> > 
> > I didn´t follow up on the suggestions in that thread how to diagnose it
> > due to
> > other stuffs quite important as well. But Ingo Klöcker found this behavior
> > as
> > well.
> > 
> > But hmm, there is one difference: KMail looses the connection, for me its
> > usually enough to restart KMail – with making sure kmail process really is
> > gone in between –, maybe restarting Akonadi doesn´t even work.
> > 
> > So maybe the problem of Brad is a different one.
> > 
> > For me with my massive mail setup (about one million mails in a huge local
> > maildir, filled via POP3, and an 30 day limited IMAP account with about
> > 30000-40000 mails, both some more small POP3 accounts).
> > 
> > Brad, what is the exact behavior you see?
> I see pretty much the same behavior. I can restart akonadi, though,
> honestly, sometimes, I have to restart it a couple of times. I have taken
> to keeping it running in a screen session, so that I can restart it as
> needed.

Hmmm, okay. I still didn't take time to diagnose this further along the lines 
that where suggested in the thread on kde-pim mailing list I linked to.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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