On Wednesday 01 October 2014 14:35:38 Ottmar Deibert wrote:
> I have just tested it again and foud no problems with QT.
> The only problem i have since a couple of weeks is:
> when starting the QTCreator the cursor shows up as a black rectangle an
> reasonable input is not possible. I first have to press the keys "insertion"
> and "right" to bring it in a right shape.
> It's enervating...
This sounds like a problem in your video card/X setup. Maybe even a bug in 
Qt5, but definitely not a qtcreator bug by itself.

Evite los parámetros estáticos. Si son inevitables, haga que el emisor
y el receptor negocien un valor.
  Andrew S. Tanenbaum, de su libro "Computer Networks"

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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