I noticed that the clock on my desktop machine is wandering significantly,
even though ntpd seems to be running:


[HN:radio] ps auxw | grep ntp
ntp       2908  0.0  0.0  43184  1532 ?        Ss   Mar17   0:13
/usr/sbin/ntpd -p /var/run/ntpd.pid -g -u 117:123
n7dr     22453  0.0  0.0   7836   868 pts/5    S+   09:11   0:00 grep ntp


but if I go to the KDE system settings, the option under Date & Time | set
date and time automatically is greyed out, and it is not enabled.

What do I need to do to enable NTP properly in debian?

(I'm used to this all happening automatically in Kubuntu, so I was quite
surprised to discover that the clock is a couple of minutes in error,
especially since "ps" says that ntpd is running.)


Web:  http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR

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