Am Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014, 12:00:12 schrieb D. R. Evans:
> Running 64-bit wheezy.
> I have been trying to import calendars and have ended up with a horrible
> mess, and now Kontact won't let me delete (or add) calendars.
> What files do I need to delete or edit in order to get back to a pristine
> state (i.e., no calendars) so that I can start again?

I suggest trying to delete the resource from akonadiconsole

If that doesn´t work report the error you get. Also ~/.xsession-errors or 
output on konsole if you start it from there.

If would try to fix the error.

If nothing else work, the following hack may work:

Look for akonadi_ical_resource files in ~/.kde/share/config

Before moving them away look in there for calender locations.

martin@merkaba:~/.kde/share/config> cat akonadi_ical_resource_0rc

I would also move agent_config_akonadi_ical_resource* files from 
~/.config/akonadi out of the way.

But still, all of this is an unclean hack IMHO. Do it only after akonadictl 

And then Akonadi has still hints / entries in database.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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