Thanks Kevin. I think this is what is broken. It's got a split brained config. So let me ask this...Which is a better backend? PostgresQL, MySQL or SQLITE? My understanding is that sqlite is not as heavy as mysql, at the cost of one thread (or query) at a time. Having said that, I know nothing about this particular use case. And if MySQL is the right answer, can I use MariaDB?
Thanks, --b On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Kevin Krammer <> wrote: > On Thursday, 2013-07-18, Brad Alexander wrote: > > > Is there a config file that I should get rid of and just let it configure > > from defaults? I tried dpkg-reconfigure akonadi-backend-sqlite > > akonadi-server akonadiconsole but it had the same behavior after doing > so. > > The package doesn't change any user level configuration. > You probably have to install akonadi-backend-mysql or change the config > $HOME/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc so that it uses QSQLITE3 instead of > QMYSQL as the driver. > > Cheers, > Kevin >