On Friday 19 July 2013 11:41:52 Pino Toscano wrote:
> libavutil52 exists only in experimental... and in deb-multimedia, and 
> also vlc does. This means you are using vlc from deb-multimedia, 

No, I'm not using vlc from deb-multimedia (I do have other programs like 
handbrake from deb-multimedia though).

$ aptitude versions ~ivlc
Package libvlc5:                                                              
i   2.0.7-3                                      testing,unstable         500 
Package libvlccore5:
i   2.0.7-3                                      testing,unstable         500 

Package phonon-backend-vlc:
i   0.6.2-2                                      testing,unstable         500 

Package vlc-data:
i   2.0.7-3                                      testing,unstable         500 

Package vlc-nox:
i   2.0.7-3                                      testing,unstable         500

I would be happy to remove all vlc packages from my system, but phonon-
backend-vlc needs it. For video I use SMPlayer and for audio Amarok, so I have 
no need for vlc.

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