On Sunday, 2012-07-01, chymian wrote:
> hi everybody,
> since a while now (at least a year), KDE does have the following behavior:
> while the WLAN-connection is stable, every thing is good.
> moving my laptop (i.e. to the terrasse) where it often still has a 50%
> signal, the pbls. begin:
> while it rechecks/reconnect to the wlan, plasma hangs (menues, systray, etc
> all frozen, kwin still is responsable, can move windows) for a minute or
> 2! that happens on movment and also, while I don't move the box - just out
> of the sky on rechecking the connection.
> first, I used Network-Manager + plasmoid, which often was not able to
> reconnect. I had to manual stop the manager, sometimes reload the module &
> restart the manager, then wait till KDE realises, that there is network
> again. after it had lost the connection once, it's keeping me asking over
> and over for the WLAN-secret,  which was already in kwallet and too often,
> the only way out was to complety remove the connection and configure it
> new.
> then I moved to WICD, (for the price of loosing my comfortable VPN's
> setup). WICD is ****MUCH**** more stable, never asks for the password but
> still hangs plasma now and then. but seems to be 80% more stable.
> since I swapped hardware 4 weeks ago, it dosen't look like a
> driver/module-pbl. to me. (b43 before, iwlwifi now). I also see this on
> some laptops of friends, all KDE 4.4 - 4.8, wheezy. and I checked it with
> three different WLAN-routers - all same behavior.

Maybe it is a certain applet that triggers this behavior, e.g. something that 
gets data from a web service?

I've never had any problem with dropping network connections, neither WLAN nor 
mobile broadband (where this happens a lot more often, e.g. when on a train).


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