
You can download them from packages.debian.org and then 
# dpkg -i <package_name.deb>
for the installation


you can add sid repository into /etc/apt/sources.list and
#aptitude update
#aptitude install libattr1 libacl1

after that you can remove the sid repository from the preference file and make
#aptitude update
(be aware not to make aptitute safe-upgrade with the sid repository enabled)


On Wednesday 16 May 2012 23:06:39 Matthias Müller wrote:
> Am Mittwoch 16 Mai 2012 schrieb Luca:
> > I simply followed the instructions on http://qt-kde.debian.net/
> Me too
> > It could be because I have only the wheezy main and the
> > wheezy-proposed- updates repository enabled
> I also have only this repos in my sources.list
> > Before the upgrade, have you manually installed from libattr1 and
> > libacl1 from sid? The wheezy version is to low
> That's the problem, I am not very experienced in installing libs or even
> programs without aptitude.
> Could you please offer a step-by-step recipe how to manually install
> these libs?
> Thanks in advance

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