Am Montag, 26. März 2012 schrieb Andrej Kacian:
> Hello guys,

Hi Andrej,

> since I upgraded my wheezy desktop to KDE 4.7, the popups with window
> thumbnail get displayed immediately when I move mouse pointer over task
> manager entries. With KDE 4.6, there was one or two second delay.
> This is quite distracting when I want to interact with some application
> widget near the taskbar and I "overshoot" the move accidentally, which
> results in the thumbnail popup to appear, and block the widget until I
> move the pointer away and wait a second or two for the popup to
> disappear.

Ah, good spot. I wondered why I hit those popups accidentally so often 
since some time.

> In task manager settings, I only found a checkbox whether or not to
> display popups, but no delay. Is there some other place I missed?

I have no idea. I also only see the option to disable them.

I think this would be worth a bug report at, if not 
already done.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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